For the last little while Tate has been going through a funny phase. While being the BEST baby, he has now turned a new leaf and I'm afraid to say experiencing "The Terrible Two's" a smidgen early. He used to never cry, he slept well and was always smiley and happy...until we came home from Texas when he was 11 months old. What I believe happened there was something I like to refer to as,, constant mommy syndrome. For two months he never left my side, it was he and I 24-7. When we came home Kenny was around more and we would leave him with babysitters on occasion. He kinda started to get clingy and a little whiny because he had gotten used to only being with momma. From then to now (he is 16 months) it's sorta been escalating. Tonight as I was trying to make dinner and Tate was holding on to my legs screaming,(as he usually does at that time) I decided I needed to document the top ten reasons I love my little guy and remind myself how lucky I am to be HIS mom...
1. His smile. When Tate flashes those pearly whites at me, the same ones I have seen since he was 3 months old(I know-nursing mothers everywhere are wincing at the thought)I absolutely melt. I would go to the ends of the earth to get him what he wants when he smiles.{Somewhere Dr. Phill is explaining the reasons for the tantrums...its always the parents fault...I know, I know-but hes just too cute to say no to.}
2. His unconditional love for his "mama". If he had to choose between a life size sugar coated fruit snack and me, I know he would 10 times out of ten choose me. Now his woobie that's another story, that thing might give me a run for my money.
3. His love for reading. All day he follows me with a book saying, "mama-dis". Sometimes after reading every book on the shelf I get a little ADD, but he still wants to go on. His attention span is incredible.
4. His moves. He could for real dance back-up for Justin Timberlake. He arabesque's, shakes his lil bum and my personal favorite-the shimmy!
5. His hot stinky breath in the morning. While some may look away in disgust, I love it.
6. His big belly, short legs and ghetto booty. This really is a killer combo despite what Hollywood might try and tell you. He loves to run around naked and no matter what mood I'm in- it ALWAYS makes me laugh so hard.
7. His sweet nature. This may seem a little contradicting-but he really is such a sweet little boy. He always shares his toys and just finds another one when his gets yanked suddenly from him. He even lets his younger cousin Caden beat up on him. Actually, hes like a deer in headlights when that starts happening-its hard not to laugh.
8. His LOVE of sleeping! Ever since he was brand new he has loved to sleep. It makes my life a whole lot easier and I'm able to get stuff done during his comatose naps.
9. His strong will. even though this sometimes is not my favorite thing, I know it will serve him well throughout his life.
10. His ability to make me laugh. Again, no matter my mood he is always either pulling a funny face or mimicking something hillarious someone taught him. His latest is the Diva finger shake-man, its one for the books.
Even if Tate cant read this post I wanted him and everyone else to know how much I love him. There is something to be said about the mother and son relationship. He may test my patience at times, but that little boy is my absolute pride and joy. I'm so grateful he chose us and I get to have him forever and ever! I love you son.