for the last two weeks our lives have been nothin but
aches, pains, fevers, and everything else that comes
along with feeling a little {OR A LOT} under the weather.
because i'm afraid of the doctor coming back after testing and finding
nothing wrong, then writing me a prescription for some tough-in-up pills.
after resisting for about a week and not seeming to be getting any better, ken finally dragged me to the er on thursday night. come to find out, i had had strep that had gone untreated so the infection spread to my ears and i was suffering from titus media. {serious ear infections}
and by the way i salute all the babies out there that go through this torture-i would much rather pass a few kidney stones or give birth to the destroyer again.
and by the way i salute all the babies out there that go through this torture-i would much rather pass a few kidney stones or give birth to the destroyer again.
needless to say they pass out pain pills at the er like tick-tacks, so i'm well on my way to recovery. i wish i could say the same for my little boy. he seems to have gotten some sorta bug and cant seem to kick it. really can we catch a break-please?
we have found ourselves doin a whole lota nothin for the last little bit.
check out the sexy bed head...
we are going to have bed sores here soon enough too.
yesterday, my dream of a husband took the day off to stay home and redo our room to cheer me up. {and we have had the paint for about a month-just sitting in the garage}
the before...
very dull and kinda 80's.
hand-me downs, what can i say?