the 4th of july must be one of my favorite holidays!
we had such a fun day with our family and friends...and it was only 85ish degrees.
{that's very good news when your 7 months prego:}
tate obviously loves the 4th too!

we opted out of the parade this year (to avoid the crowds) and instead had our own little
celebration in the morning with our neighbors...
our very talented friend amy drew this pic of tatie with sidewalk chalk.
seriously, who needs the provo freedom festival when you've got this kind of entertainment right in your own back yard?!!?
kenny and i spent the afternoon with your favorite
tv personality and mine...
glenn beck!

after our close in counter,
kenny's fam came over for some swimming, a
bbq and a whole
lota wyoming purchased fireworks.

mikey, amber +
ashton ryder,
derek +

we missed you

the kids loved the

it took little
tatie a minute to warm up to the idea of actually holding the blazing stick

but after a little help from dad, he loved it!