graduated we (on a whim) decided
take a job with Atlas Marketing in
Dallas. So literally 4 days later we
packed up our house, said our good-
byes, and headed for the open road.
We needed a car when we got there,
so the only option was to drive-20 hours-UGH! Tate was packed
in the back of the Merc. like a little sardine. As long as he had his
blankie, his sippie and baby Einstein playing on the lap top, he
was an angel. What a trooper! Hopefully that was the last LONG
road trip.
This is a picture of Tate waving sweetly like he used to...he does not wave to be nice anymore, however I think his actions are justified. I don't know if Texans have never seen a baby before, but they all feel the need to stop us where ever we go and gock. We even had an Asian couple stop us in the mall and wanted to get pictures with Tate. "Big blue eye," they kept saying. Now I do realize hes quite the babe, but come on peeps. So since his recent celebrity he has learned to be quite defensive. Now when a stranger reaches out their hand to pinch the cheeks, Tate just as quick, swats the hand away and gives the meanest crusty you have ever seen. At first I was totally embarrassed, now I just have a quiet chuckle with myself. This must come from his dad.
Hey!!! I often wondered whatever happened to that Lindsey girl I used to know! It looks like you are doing great! Your little boy is adorable! How old is he now? Wow, that is a crazy move, do you like Texas? You will have to fill me in on what is new. So good to hear from you! Yvonne
i miss ma little tatie.. you said yourself, he's not nice anymore in texas. think of your child lindsay and bring our baby home! we miss him. love ya! -peeps
Hey Linds! I am so glad you found our blog. Your little Tate is such a cutie. Trav is selling securites, he sold dish the last two summers and switched over this summer. We are actually down in Vegas this weekend visiting him. Good luck in Texas! We will for sure have to keep in touch!
I love it!! Linds it's awesome! Isn't it a riot! Sorry it took me so long to get on. . . throwing a party takes everything out of me. I'm so happy you got one though, and I'm excited to check it every day!
This blogging thing just gets better and better! Hello! So.. Texas? That's crazy, but so cool. Is it a summer thing, or for good? This will be great to keep in touch better! Tate is unreal.... so cute.
hello my fellow blogger! Your family is too cute. I like this non commital communication we got going on here!! I hope your doing good call me this week and we'll go swimmin.
ma tatie is the cutest baby, (not anymore..!) BIG BOY in the whole world! the picture with his little sippie, when he's packed in the back of the merc, is so cutie! im so very glad that you're home! WUB!
- Twinner Taryn
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