
{ a reunion...}

every labor day we are lucky enough to have our annual nelson family reunion.
we look forward to it all year (some more than others, my bro. in law jordan
has a count down paper chain like  kids do at christmas:)
and this year did not disappoint.


i do realize that most of these pic's were taken on day 4 of our camping trip, hence the hair-do's, the bags under the eyes from the lack of sleep, and dirt in the fingernails ect. ect.
oh well.
such good times fam.
can't wait till next year!
(thanks for the pic's pp girl. i'm glad someone busted out the camera!)


Trav and Linds said...

Yay for new posts! Your fam is adorable. Miss ya like crazy!

paige and jord said...

man those pics ARE nast. but at least we had some good laughs!

Jeanine said...

fun fun fun shirts! Love the camping pics...you're still gorgeous. sheesh!

Unknown said...

LOVES Linds ....