

It is getting SO hot here! Its a good thing
our place has a pool that we frequent everyday.
We've made lots of new friends there
and Tate has the cutest little tan lines. My sister
thinks he looks like a girl in this hat, but its the only
thing that will shade his whole noggin...

The boys never get off work until 9, so when we go out its always late. Poor Tate, he always gets awakened and then is up real late. (that's why hes usually in his jammies in the pics...) Here we are with the Atlas crew watching the game and havin some wings.

When we decided to come to Texas, I had these images of cactus, snakes and big gold belt buckles. It turns out I couldn't have been more off. This is a view from our front and back yards...so green huh!!?? Because it's so humid and rains all the time everything is so pretty and green. We do live on a golf course so that help too. We live in a really nice gated community in a great area just outside of Dallas. The homes here are beautiful. I find a new house for us to buy every morning on my run. (don't worry gram and gramps...that wasn't an announcement)


Since we've been having some problems with our camera the last week, I decided to take it into the shop to get fixed. After waiting in line for a half hour, I finally made it to the counter. I explained the problem and said I'll even pay extra to get it done quick because I'm going to Utah for a wedding in 2 days and I really need it. The worker took the camera, changed the batteries and badda bing bodda boom-worked like new. He and Tate thought it was pretty funny, so he took some pics(without permission) of my very embarrassing moment...I hope I'm not the only one who has these minor brain laps every now and again! (although they are becoming more frequent these days...)



May 2, 2007
Poor little Tate! Just before Kenny
graduated we (on a whim) decided
take a job with Atlas Marketing in
Dallas. So literally 4 days later we
packed up our house, said our good-
byes, and headed for the open road.
We needed a car when we got there,
so the only option was to drive-20 hours-UGH! Tate was packed
in the back of the Merc. like a little sardine. As long as he had his
blankie, his sippie and baby Einstein playing on the lap top, he
was an angel. What a trooper! Hopefully that was the last LONG
road trip.

This is a picture of Tate waving sweetly like he used to...he does not wave to be nice anymore, however I think his actions are justified. I don't know if Texans have never seen a baby before, but they all feel the need to stop us where ever we go and gock. We even had an Asian couple stop us in the mall and wanted to get pictures with Tate. "Big blue eye," they kept saying. Now I do realize hes quite the babe, but come on peeps. So since his recent celebrity he has learned to be quite defensive. Now when a stranger reaches out their hand to pinch the cheeks, Tate just as quick, swats the hand away and gives the meanest crusty you have ever seen. At first I was totally embarrassed, now I just have a quiet chuckle with myself. This must come from his dad.


This was a long awaited much anticipated
day! There were many sleepless nights
and lots of sacrifices made (and Ken worked
pretty hard too...)
Kenny graduated from the Marriott
school of business with an emphasis in
entrepreneurship. We had lots of friends
and family come in from out of town to show
support. After the commencement exercises
we had a BYU BBQ at our house. My mom coordinated
a grad party the night before, and let us use some
stuff, so it was quite the party. Congrats Kenny! Now what?
Oh ya-Texas!

Since Im new at this whole blog thing...I thought I would post some old pics to catch up. SPRING '07

Baby Tates first haircut
April '07

are we seriously doing this
right now?
Kenny and I decided to give
snowboarding a whirl. Ken
picked it up right away, of
course,while I spent more time
on me bum than on my feet.
It is so much harder than it
looks. I had to make apologies
all over the place for talkin
trash. Congrats to all you snow-
boarders out there...its tough!

Family trip to Hawaii Nov. '06

Tate was pretty pooped
by the time the luau came
around...these people
can eat!

Kenny gettin jiggy

Take a look at this...
captain chubs is bigger than his
grandma! WHOA! He is 4 months old
in this picture and so far off the charts,
the charts are a dot to him.

We had to take a pic at
the yummiest place to eat
on earth...The Cheesecake
Factory, on Oahu!

The beautiful island of Kauai

the miracle pedicure that
lasted like 8 weeks!

Tate and his cousin McKenzie are
just 2 1/2 weeks apart. They were
so good on the trip. Grandma and
grandpa watched them while we
snorkeled on Kauai.

Tates first winter

Halloween '06